Nashville’s first whole body vibration studio + infrared hot pilates & self-care sessions.

revive yourself

Hot Pilates

Killer Vibes

Shake It OFf



Hot Pilates • Killer Vibes • Shake It OFf • Unwind • KEEP IT 100 •


Revive cultivates a transformative, full-body experience through the science of vibration. Our 27-minute sessions equal up to 1.5 hours of traditional training on the floor. Each sweat session on the Power Plate heals and recovers your muscles while you move. The Plate will strengthen while elongating your body, detoxifying your entire system, and helping you session by session to raise your vibe. Vibration training is more than physical fitness; it’s a way to better health: more muscular bodies, stronger bones, glowing skin, and better sleep. We utilize the science of vibration to wake up your cells, increase circulation, drain & detoxify the lymphatic system, reduce inflammation, and accelerate recovery time. The body’s response to vibration increases serotonin & HGH and reduces cortisol— leaving you feeling revived.

Killer Vibes

This is structured similarly to a traditional personal training circuit, using resistance or bodyweight training with moderate to heavy dumbbells of your choosing. If you're new to whole-body vibration training, we strongly suggest taking this class first.

Keep It 100

Ready to challenge yourself? Our workouts are backed by science to accomplish better results in less time. Get ready for 100 reps per session and watch your strength and endurance arise. This advanced technology is a game-changer for building strength, improving balance, and enhancing overall performance. Say goodbye to traditional methods and say hello to innovation in fitness. The efficiency and effectiveness of this strength training circuit are top-notch. We will concentrate on compound exercises to hone your muscles, followed by a deep-tissue lymphatic massage that will revitalize your body after all that hard work.


Experience the power of Unwind, a deep-tissue massage that uses whole-body vibration to release tension and rejuvenate your mind and body. Say goodbye to stress and hello to relaxation with just one session.

Shake It Off

This intense circuit, which mixes cardio and strength training, will help you get the most out of your workout in just 27 minutes. Combining strength and cardio training will make your body stronger and healthier. A well-balanced workout regimen that achieves more in 27 minutes than an hour and a half of floor training can replace endless hours on the treadmill/bike. Power plates provide an excellent low-impact workout that is kind to your joints, regardless of the class's intensity.


  • Creates LYMPHATIC flush

  • Improves and increases blood flow to strengthen the cardiovascular system

  • Decreases cortisol levels while boosting serotonin

  • Increases HGH

  • Breaks up lactic acid helping you feel less sore

  • Increases flexibility

  • Improves muscle communication

  • Increases balance and coordination

  • Works 90% off your muscles

  • 27 minutes equals 1.5 hours of training on the floor

  • Helps with poor circulation, rehabilitation, autoimmune, neuropathy, and hydrating joints in need of repair

  • Always low impact and hydrating to joints

  • Contracts muscles 30-50 times per second while working out and relaxes and releases your muscles when unwinding for a deep tissue massage

Infrared Hot Pilates

Hot Pilates is a high-intensity, low-impact workout using Pilates-based exercises in a gently heated room. Pilates focuses on strengthening the entire body, and it is best known for defining a long, lean core and rehabilitating your brain-body connection.
Hot Pilates offers your body several opportunities to be revived. The heated room causes your body to detox and release toxins. This cleansing process makes it easier for you to let go of unwanted weight and see an increase in your energy levels.
Pilates also connects breathing to each movement, which can increase self-awareness and your ability to focus during your workout and in your personal/professional life. Last but not least, hot Pilates unlocks trapped tension from the body and increases your ability to restore flexibility to your mind, body, and willpower.


We use sound healing (sound bowls ) for a deeply immersive, full-body listening experience. The power of sound can nurture your mind and your body while significantly reducing how stress and anxiety impact your body.

Breathwork is another therapeutic experience we use to empower your breath to release trapped tension from the body. Breathing exercises are a way of consciously controlling your breath pattern to revive your physical energy, repair your physical strength, and give you the power to let go of what cannot be contained.

Every hot Pilates session ends with breathwork and sound healing.

507 c heather place
nashville, tn 37204

Revive is located in the back building (C), When you arrive you will see a green building with Projx on the front building.
( If you are coming from Thompson Lane we are directly behind Fire House Sub’s parking lot.)

You can park anywhere in our lot or the gravel lot directly behind Fire House Subs. We are the double doors in the backspace.

You must be on time for your safety and our liability. This means arriving no less than 5 minutes before class so that you can have an introduction to the device. We reserve the right to close the doors at class time. ( DO NOT CALL IF YOU ARE RUNNING LATE. TEXT OR EMAIL)

Grip socks and a 12-hour cancellation policy are nonnegotiable.

Please email all questions.


People who should not use the power plate.

Pregnant or using a Pacemaker. As always, you should consult your doctor before choosing the right workout for you.